
Hey there. I am Renan S Silva, also known as h3nnn4n or bacon_unleased / bacon_unleashed, depending on where you know me from. I received my bachelor degree on Computer Science from the State University of Santa Catarina on august 2017. Immediately after that I started a master's degree in Applied Computing working with the Ab Initio protein structure problem, which I concluded 2 years after.

Currently I work full time as a Software Engineer on Tesorio, where I am part of a small and nimble team responsible by platform work and maintenance of several integrations with external systems, as well as developing new ones.

I am a man of many hobbies. I have a strong passion for puzzles, specially twisty ones, like the Rubik's Cube. I love cats and coffee. I play drums and do origami. I like biking and hiking. I love artificial intelligence, optimization and machine learning (looks like everyone nowadays does).

Another thing that I do really enjoy is creative coding, which I have been doing on and off for more than 10 years. IIRC I started it around 2007~2008, kidding around with QBasic and some trigonometry. A special kind of creative coding that I tend to do a lot is to fractals and strange / chaotic attractors as the main object in the piece. If you look around this page you will find a couple of examples. My github also has a lot of code about it too.

Here is a random picture of my puzzle collection (the cat is a specially hard one).

A picture of about 30 puzzles on the ground, and a black cat, looking defiantly at the camera A black cat sleeping on the ground with his belly up