Awesome tools I found over the years

March 02, 2024
Tags: tools

Hi :)

This is a list of awesome tools I have found over the years that are incredibly useful, time savers, game changers or just plain fun to use. Often I forget about then and then at some point my brain goes like "I am pretty sure I knew a tool for this". This list serves both as a reminder to future me, and as a way to share these tools with the world. As I find more tools, I will add them here, or maybe update the information regarding the tools. It will be an ever changing post.

Here it goes:

  • rr: GDB extension that allows recording and replaying program runs, to deterministacally reproduce bugs. Has GDB scripting support. Has a chaos mode that helps reproduce nondeterministic bugs in multi-threaded programs.

  • multitime: Time on steroids. Can run a program multiple times and report some basic statistics (min, max, avg, stddev).

  • autoclave: Runs a program multiple times until failure, stores the stdout and stderr and can attach a debugger automatically when the program crashes.

  • tmate: Allows SSH-ing into a github actions runner for debugging (or whatever else you need to do).